
Separate your good products from bad, in real time,
and improve profitability with ROI Hunter.
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Integrate product performance data from across your channels and custom sources, and separate your good products from your bad products
Product Insights

Product Insights

Review the performance of each individual product in your catalogue. Product performance data is collected from across your channels, analytics platforms, and custom sources, and combined with your catalogue to form a single source of truth.

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Product Segments

Product Segments

View and analyse groups of similar products (bestsellers, deadstock, poor-performers, new arrivals, fragmented stock, and more). Easily find which products are wasting your budget and which need more budget added, all in real time and on the same dashboard. Make instant changes to your campaigns based on what you see.

Campaign Insights

Campaign Insights

See your Meta campaign results, Google campaign results, and Google Analytics metrics all in the same place.

Analyse Product Data

Analyse Product Data

Analyse your product-level performance for each campaign. See which category and product performed the best and which took the biggest portion of your spend.

Jocasta Bortolacci
Jocasta Bortolacci, Media Coordinator @ Magalu

"We always wanted to make our commercial priorities actionable over social to increase our business profitability. ROI Hunter has made it possible. What was once our deficiency is now our strength."


Turn your analysis into strategy. Work with a dedicated Customer Success Manager to create a plan for increasing the profitability of your company.
Product strategy

Product strategy

Create unique strategies based on your data and business priorities. Our customer success experts will help you define and execute the best strategies to reach your business goals.

Split testing

Split testing

Easily test your Meta campaigns within ROI Hunter to find the most effective combination of targeting, creative, bid price, and even product sets.


Automatic rules

Act in real time with automation rules for your Meta campaigns. Set a campaign to pause once it reaches a certain budget, set campaigns to only run on certain days, get notified whenever your campaign reaches a determined ROAS, and more.

Byron Koller
Byron Koller, CMO @ AYM Commerce

"Partnering with ROI Hunter to split test has helped us to gain insights with audience targeting and optimize our campaigns more effectively. We utilized the results and insights gained from split testing to improve our future campaigns as well. Their advanced tools made it gave us the flexibility and control that we felt was necessary for stellar campaigns."


Turn your strategy into campaigns. Choose the most effective products for each goal, create scalable templates and videos for them, and launch your campaigns, all from the same platform.
Product Sets / Groups

Product Sets / Groups

Use the right products for every campaign. Filter your catalogue by any metric you can think of: ad-spend per product, revenue, margin, Google Shopping impressions, and more, and promote these custom groups on Meta and Google from the same platform.

Campaign Creator

Campaign Creator

Turn your data into action with one user-friendly location for launching all your product campaigns on Meta and Google Performance Max.

Template Editor

Template Editor

Create Meta promotions without a graphic designer. Schedule promotions ahead of time, automate product badges, change your ads without a new review, and more.

Creative Factory

Creative Factory

Turn static images into product videos in minutes. Creative Factory makes it possible to scale the creation of videos without having to hire a production team.

Radek Gorka-1
Radosław Górka, Head of Performance Marketing @ Allegro

No other Allegro advertising partner has been able to separate categories as easily and in large scale, as ROI Hunter.

Find out how ROI Hunter can add value to your business.
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