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E-commerce Czech Republic

Smarty just increased conversions... BY 596%!

Smarty is a popular electronics retailer based in the Czech Republic. The company was founded as an e-shop in 2012, and opened their first physical location in 2014. Since then the company has grown to include an expanded selection of products and a larger warehouse for faster shipping.

Increase in conversions
Increase in ROAS
Lower cost per action

The Challenge

Smarty was having trouble getting the number of conversions they wanted with their campaigns. They wanted to make their campaigns more effective, increasing the return on ad spend (ROAS) and number of transactions on Facebook and Google.

The Solution

First, ROI Hunter set Smarty up with the Product Insight feature. Product Insights gathers product-level data from across a retailers’ channels, integrating the data with their catalog within ROI Hunter to create a single source of truth.

Using this source of granular data, ROI Hunter was able to help Smarty filter their catalog for any metric they could think of, to create highly specific product sets optimised for their goals. 

They decided to create a product set of best-selling products by filtering the catalog to find their top 10% of products in terms of revenue from the past 30 days per Google Analytics. With this optimised product set, Smarty was able to run a potent prospecting campaign, ensuring that every product receiving impressions was one of their best-selling items. 

ROI Hunter also used the data now connected to Smarty’s catalog to create a dashboard for them to more easily track their analytics.


The Results

The prospecting campaign was a massive success! Transactions went through the roof, with a 596% increase in conversions on Google Analytics. The return on ad spend (ROAS) wasn’t far behind either, hitting a 318% increase compared to previous campaigns. 

Finally, Smarty was hoping this campaign would bring in more orders without an increase in price. During the best-seller prospecting campaign, the cost per action (CPA) didn’t just stay the same, it was even cheaper! Cost per action dropped by 22%.

Lenka Boháčová, Senior Performance Marketing Specialist

We’ve used ROI Hunter for a couple of years now and we are really happy with the platform and the support. They launch interesting and helpful features quite often and provide us with new ideas and possibilities to boost our campaigns.

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