Attain Seamless Collaboration Between Marketing & Commercial Teams

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What's in this e-book?
Senior merchandisers and the marketing department often find themselves viewing success through contrasting lenses.

This disparity in perspectives, metrics, and terminology can lead to significant obstacles, resulting in lower profit margins.
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You will learn:
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The distinct success metrics
each department employs
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Practical strategies that pave the way for harmonious collaboration
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How to optimise discounting between these departments
Attain Seamless Collaboration Between Marketing and Commercial Teams E-Book


Why it matters?

Achieving seamless collaboration between
the marketing and commercial departments
is critical.
The differing definitions of success, metrics, and language used by these two essential teams can pose significant challenges to effective cross-functional communication and alignment.

However, by recognising the unique perspectives of each department and implementing practical strategies, the path to harmonious collaboration becomes attainable.
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