ROI Hunter | Blog

5 Golden Rules of Facebook Advertising

Written by Tolu Oke | Jan 22 2018

Here are some tips, that we feel will help you to make the most of this year.

1. Test - This goes without saying but you would be surprised by how many advertisers that don’t want to stray off the beaten path and try something new. The main reason to test and try new strategies out is that what works in one vertical or for one target audience might not work in another. As you test, you will start to develop a clear picture of what specific tactics and strategies work for your company and your needs. Plus, there are always new products being launched by Facebook (and us), that will benefit you by testing. 

One way to test is by using dynamic creative, a tool that was launched on our platform before it was released on Facebook. It is not a classical A/B testing tool but a great way to serve the serve the best-performing combination of ad assets to the right audience. Another way to test is by creating a split-test. This can be done on Facebook and ads as well. 

2. Set Up Facebook Pixels - Facebook Pixels give you amazing insight into what your audience does. It is basically a small string of HTML code that unobtrusively tracks your visitors’ interaction with different pages on your website. You can use them to:

i. Track conversions
ii. Remarket
iii. Create lookalike audiences

3. Keep up-to-date with Facebook’s guidelines - For example, the 20% rule for images has changed. However, you can still use the text overlay tool to stay within acceptable limits. By keeping appraised of the guidelines, you can be sure that you will always present ads that work well for Facebook. 

4. Join a group- Online advertising is constantly changing. Joining a group that is related to what you do, will help you to get ideas, constant updates, and tips that will help you. Examples of groups or forums to join are: 

5. Embrace video - According to Hubspot, 52% of marketing professionals feel that video has the best ROI. There are some obstacles that come with this but as automation continues to become a standard for ad creation, creating ads will become easier. If you work with product feeds, find out how you can automate video production here.