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Try the Collection Ad Format

Written by Ivan Hruška | Mar 24 2017
  1. What is it?

Collection is a mobile-only News Feed ad format specifically built for advertisers with a product feed to help them drive mobile shopping in a more visual and immersive way. It allows you to pair a hero video or image with a row of four related products below it to drive product discovery and sales. Upon clicking on the collection, it drives people to a full-screen, quick loading experience where advertisers can display up to 50 products from their product catalog to drive browsing and purchase consideration.

  1. Is it better than Canvas?

Depends on what you business objective is. We’ve compared the two and you can read about it in this article: Collection vs. Canvas: Who’s the King of Conversions?

  1. What are the main advantages?

Collection has been built specifically for advertisers with a product catalog, which are largely comprised of e-commerce and retail marketers. It allows you to present up to 4 products below creative in the News Feed and 50 products in the experience that opens up when people tap on the collection. Users don’t need to leave Facebook to browse through products. When users click on a product featured in the post click experience they are directed to the specific product’s mobile product detail page or to its location within a mobile app.

  1. Can I create a collection in ROI Hunter?

Yes. ROI Hunter has implemented and tested support for collection. You can create a collection by creating a new campaign with “Website Conversions NEW” objective and choosing Single Image.

  1. Are there any product requirements?

Yes. This ad format is available to product catalog advertisers, such as e-commerce and retail marketers, who have a product set with eight or more products ( we recommend more products to take full advantage of the native post click experience). This format is available exclusively for Website Clicks and Conversions objectives.

  1. What are the design requirements?

Text with 90 characters in maximum length. Headline with 25 characters is optimal. If you choose video visuals, 16:9 H.264 compressed fixed frame rate video at 128kbps+ is preferred. Still photography visuals require 1200 x 628 pixels with maximum 20% of text. Please note that the feed unit may have either a video or photo. Both at the same time are not available.

  1. Is collection worth it? Should I use it?

We strongly advise you to give collection a try. Two ROI Hunter test clients have experienced strong performance. The first one experienced higher CTR for prospecting campaigns (up to 1,9% compared to between 1-1,5% long-term average). The second one was focused more on COS and experienced lower CPC (up to 0,07 EUR compared to its 0,2 EUR long-term average). Both clients were pleased with their results and plan to further invest in the format.